What is Organic Agriculture?
Organic agriculture is a form of controlled and certified agricultural production that does not harm human health and the environment and does not use chemical inputs in production, from production to consumption. It is a production method that aims to protect vital resources such as air and water and natural life by preserving the natural balance.
Does Fertilizer Use Affect Yield?
One of the most effective inputs on productivity increase in agriculture is plant nutrients, namely fertilizer. Although it varies according to the products, it is scientifically known that the use of fertilizers provides up to 50% increase in productivity in agriculture.
Problems Occurring in Copper Deficiency?
Young leaves appear stagnated and distorted. The leaves are narrow and slightly elongated. Leaf margins are wavy. Drying can be seen at the ends of the terminal branches in fruit trees. Generally, copper and zinc deficiency occur together and become more severe in soils with high pH.
The copper capacity of plants is around 4-20 ppm in vegetative organs. The deficiency limit is accepted as 4 ppm. Since the ability of copper to move from old leaves to young leaves is not good, deficiency symptoms are seen primarily on young leaves. Color changes such as grayish green color or even whitening and fading are seen. Development is weak. In some cases, larger-than-normal leaves are formed before the tips dry out.